Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Hissy Fit!

DD#2 is having one. She says she doesn't have any pants to wear to school! What's a mom to do? The easy thing to do is to take her shopping. The hard part is that it takes forever for her to find something to wear. She is not a fashion diva type of girl. Not by a long shot. She's 13 and dress very "sporty"--t-shirts, sport pants, sport shorts, sweatshirts. That's the extent of her school wardrobe. It's a stark contrast to her 15-year old sister who enjoys her "fashion-conscious" clothes. Anyway, the hissy fit started two nights ago when she made the announcement, "I don't have any pants to wear to school." She claims the ones I bought for her two months ago for back to school are now too short. (That may be true since she's growing like a weed.) So Thursday night I'm seam ripping the serged hem on her sweatpants so she can wear them to school the next day. Then I get the comment that breaks me down--"What about those jeans you said you were going to make for me two months ago???"

So here I am. Typing about it while taking a break from drafting a pants pattern for her. DS#2's 3rd pair are cut out. The alterations have been transferred and/or completed on DS#1's and my pair. Now I'm working on hers. Here's to hoping the draft will be complete tonight to cut out a muslin tomorrow.

This is when sewing sometimes doesn't pay off. DD#2 hates virtually all jeans. In fact, I'm sitting in a pair she asked for last Christmas. We wear the same size and they fit me like a dream. Fit her like a dream too (IMO)! Why doesn't she like them? She doesn't like the feel. It's too snug, cuts into her here or there, so what makes me think mine will be any different? I don't. Plain and simple. This is a labor of love because she'll probably say she doesn't like the ones I make either. There is one thing in my favor. The jeans will have an elastic waist and mock zipper stitching on the front. Maybe, just maybe, the tide will turn.

Here's to hoping, but I'm not holding my breath. Stay tuned...

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