Sunday, October 21, 2007

Body Core and Body Space

What does going to the gym and sewing have in common? Well, it hit me today. It's that darn body core! Everybody is always working to get a good, strong body core at the gym. We sewers are always trying to get a good fit in pants and in struck me today that body space in the the body core is likely a crucial component for proper fit, especially for people like me that have less than perfect torsos.

Case in point: my daughter's pants I'm working on. I matched up the front and back jeans pattern pieces at the crotch point seamline and made sure the grainlines were perfectly parallel. The result? A very narrow body space that maybe Barbie could fit into. When I put her crotch curve/body space overlay on top it was a Wow! moment. There was no way her body was going to fit into these pants. Something has to be done with the body space issue. I looked for an old Threads issue that had an article specifically about this (the 12/05-1/06 issue, pp. 40/41) and soaked up the info like a dry sponge.

Tomorrow I'll edit to add pics for an illustration of what I'm working on. Right now, I'm going to sleep on this fitting dilemna before proceeding with her pants alterations.

Pics now included :) ...

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog and this picture is exactly illustrates what I did with fitting my pants. On my blog I mentioned the same Threads issue in a post on October 24! It certainly helped me to a better fit.
