Monday, June 7, 2010

I. Did. It. :) :) :)

Last week I took my 1992 Pfaff serger in for a tuneup. I've rarely been using the 'ol serger lately because fitting and serging do not always go hand in hand. My Janome Coverstitch, however, has been getting a nice workout!

My Pfaff Hobbylock is/was a wonderful machine. The stitches it produced were fantastic. The only problem? You know what it is, dear readers! Fiddling with tension to get just the right stitch can make a 5 minute job turn into 65 minutes. Every time I want to do a rolled hem, I change my threads, change the foot, set the tension, run a test stitch, reset the tension, again, again, and again. It's another reason why my serger doesn't get used as much as it should. Many times I have said to myself, "So much for a 5-minute hem!"

If the tuneup was going to be over $100, I was going to use that as a downpayment on...A BABYLOCK IMAGINE!!! It's on layaway at the dealer. I also used the serger as a trade-in. The time has come. My eyes aren't going to focus any better, my time is always at a premium, so what the heck.

Jet-air threading here I come. Tension headaches are a thing of the past. I can live without a serger for a while. Not fun, but do-able. I'm hoping I can get it paid off by Christmas/New Years. I'm SO looking forward to 2011. The last quarter of the year should be interesting anyway because then I'll know if surgery is a must from the car accident that keeps on "giving".


  1. You will love the jet air threading Kat! Having worked on a serger in a sewing factory, I didn't think it was necessary because I could thread a serger with my eyes closed, but when I got my Evolve I was totally sold on it! Hope you don't have to have surgery...feel better soon!

  2. You will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the jet air threading. My mom told me when it was time for me to buy my first serger to make sure that I could thread it easily. The Imagine takes me only about a minute longer than my sewing machine for a three thread stitch. I know I should have it serviced, as it's about five years old now and has never seen a shop, but I figure why? It still produces perfect stitches every time, the only thing I need to adjust is length/width and differential feed.

    Post a pic of your new baby when it arrives home, please.

  3. Ooooh! You will love this! It's one of the nicest things I've ever done for myself. :) Hope you enjoy it!


  4. I'm so jealous!!! I've been dreaming of a stand alone coverstitch machine, let alone a new machine and serger, but hey if it's not broke don't fix it, especially if you can't afford it, but I would sell something for a coverstitch machine! LOL! Congrats, can't wait to see!

  5. ooooo, I'm so envious!! My serger is a 1993...Still works well, so, being the cheap gal that I am, it's hard for me to even "look" at the new ones in the store. But I'd love a coverstitch machine....layaway huh? That would work....

  6. Yay! As a person much older than you, I heartily approve of the jet-air threading! I was introduced to it on my BL coverstitch. It only has the looper to thread, but what an amazing feature. It made me decide that my next serger purchase, whenever that is, will be a BL. I think that my old Bernina may have to take a trip off something high to the floor before I have an excuse. It does seem to get more fiddly all the time, just to get seam finishing tension right. I rarely do anything else. Congratulations!
