Sunday, May 3, 2009

She Changed Her Mind!!!

DD#2 changed her mind about the dress style. Back to square one. Tomorrow I work on a new pattern draft. Luckily, the style is very easy. More to come...


  1. Well, it's said that it is a woman's perogative to change her mind! Good luck with the next draft.

  2. Oh no! Well.... I can't wait to see the next version.

  3. Uh-oh. Well, sometimes you don't know how something will look until you see the muslin, esp. if you never have tried it on in the store before. Good luck with Version 2.0!

  4. One of the many reasons I'm glad I only have cats. Child might not live to attend said prom :-) I wouldn't take this calmly.

  5. Oh no! My niece changed her mind after I made the first muslin. I know how you feel.
