Sunday, May 10, 2009

Phat Kat Pick of the Week: Friday, 5/8/09

This is really gorgeous! Brace yourself!!! If you haven't seen this dress, you better put down your food and drink, put a napkin under your chin and get ready to drool.

My Pick of the Week goes to Kim's beautiful prom dress she created for her daughter. She looks like a million bucks in this dress! Truly an exquisite creation!!!

(Sorry for missing previous Pick of the Weeks. My MIL is not doing so well. It's been a rollercoaster ride the past two weeks. Our worries are not over unfortunately.)


  1. Aawww, thank you girlfriend. You are sooooo kind! I can't wait to see your beautiful daughter. Doesn't matter if it's store bought or not, the only reason my daughter wanted me to make hers is because she is cheap, not because she gives me the credit you so lovingly give. :0)
