Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Freshman High School Sewing: 2009

DD#2 just finished up her Sewing and Ceramics classes today. The upper grades use block scheduling so they're one marking period classes but double the daily time length (at least 1 1/2 hours for each class). She made so many nice things, and that's what I'm going to show you today! I think of HS as 9-12, but our school is not configured that way. Technically, she is Jr. High, and HS starts the Sophomore year. Anyway, these were her projects in her Freshman Sewing and Ceramics classes.

First, the "Really Good" stuff! That would be Sewing :) .
1. Large, stuffed pillow with quilt blocks (machine stitched)
2. Small pillow (front pieces were handstitched with different types of stitching and the back piece is just a solid piece. Both sides were machine stitched together).
3. Needlepoint (Would you believe this little thing glows in the dark? It's stitched on glow-in-the-dark fabric!)
Check out the different stitches that were used in the closeup below--blanket stitch, running stitch, chain stitch among others.

Next up, a "white" apron. It *was* white and nicely stitched to boot. This was the apron I wrote about in a previous post because I thought it couldn't be the one she made in class. The stitches looked too nice for a beginner. When everyone was finished with their white aprons, they tie-dyed them in class.

Here's the front pocket stitching detail on the apron. That's some pretty straight stitching for a 14-year old beginner sewer:

Last but not least, this neon green tote bag. One side has a long handle, the other side a short one, with a drawstring top and small pocket on the side. I was very impressed with this one and think it looks very store bought.

I asked her to write up reviews for each project at Pattern Review but, unfortunately, she's not terribly interested in doing that. I'll keep pressing her because it might motivate other young sewers out there. Her class was so talented. Her teacher kept pushing the group to do more work because it was such a great group of kids. They had potential and ability. I hope to see some of their work in the local fair this summer.

On to the "Good" Stuff. This is not all inclusive. She said her last project was a large castle. Their final project was based on a fairy tale of their choice. She said it was impressive but needs me to pick her up to bring it home. She's really proud of that one and I'll post a pic of it when it comes home but for now...

Her Ceramics projects which include:

1. Vase. She's not too happy with it, says it could have been much better. I like its quirky look though, and it has a permanent spot on my kitchen counter.

2. The cheetah. She's proud of this one. It's actually a holder with a cover on the back.

3. Little holder with handles. I use it for pins :) .

4. Spoon holder. I love this! Just what I need in my kitchen.

5. Name plate for her room. Name obviously whited out.

6. Banana holder. I stash pieces of gum or mints in there from time to time.

7. A hastily-made, small shallow dish. She's not proud of this one but it's perfect for something like salsa or some other type of dip.

So these were her projects during the last 9 weeks. Last year she took Wood Shop and made a great stool. It looks like the kind you'd buy at an Amish store--very well made and sturdy. So what classes replace Ceramics and Sewing this marking period? Gym and Gifted. She's a jock so she'll like Gym, but as far as exercising the brain, I really like her work on the creative aspect. I'm hoping she'll miss it and think about taking more "crafty" type of classes if she can fit it in her academic schedule. These are the classes that make school fun IMO.


  1. I did not realize there were any sewing or craft type classes in schools any longer. I'm delighted to hear that there is still hope for young artists.

    Looks like your daughter has a knack for the arts. Maybe it's something she will persue.

  2. Wow, very talented daughter! ITA re the neon green bag - totally professional looking. I know what you mean about trying to get her to write a review on PR - I've been trying to get my DD to do so for years (she's 18, sewing for 2 years) but she keep telling me it's only for - her words - "old people." I even showed her Maggie LuLu's (sp?) reviews! Maybe you'll have better luck than I.

  3. Wow! Your DD#2 has created some beautiful things. You should be proud. :)
