Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wow! This is Awesome!!!

Check. This. Out.

Several of my many favorite bloggers/PR Members ended up on the Best of 2008 PR page! Let's see here...we have Susan , Robin , Louella , and JodiB (Jodi, if you have a blog, please let me know so I can add it to my blogroll). Congratulations to these bloggers being featured on the Best of 2008 PR article!!! Your garments rock!

Moving on to the Phat Kat sewing plans for the week, I'm doing altering and redesigning of 3 patterns. Last night, I made a few alterations to my Burda coat I just made. After wearing it a lot the past two weeks, I find the neck opening is a tad too big. So I altered the neck opening to make it a bit smaller. In retrospect, I could have gone down to a size 10 because there is a lot of ease in the coat, however, I'll make do with what I've got. Then I removed a little width in the bust to waist area tapering to nothing at the side seam hem.

I don't know if these changes will be that noticeable on the next coat, but it's a start. I'd rather take what I like and make small changes/tweaks each time I make it. I really like my current coat and just want to make a few small improvements in the fit and look.

Today is a snow day, so I'm hoping to get to at least one of two patterns for more changes. One is Simplicity 4074. I made a not-so-good muslin of this (bad fabric), and found the upper bust and bust area to be too big. I have to double check the bust apex position on the pattern so maybe that is the only issue. If not, I'll retrace a size 10 in the full bust area. On the original tracing I morphed from a 10 at neck/shoulders to a 14 at the full bust which usually works. For some reason, it's not working on the muslin of this pattern. I'm going to omit the tie as well. They just don't do anything for my figure when I leave them in.

The next pattern I'm going to work with is a question mark in my mind. There's a knit top on the Newport News clothing website with bell sleeves, low-cut neckline, kind of like a tunic from the under bust down and a t-shirt from the neck to underbust. Hard to describe but I can't save the pic from the website. It will involve a redesign from an already redesigned TNT pattern. I was thinking about using the Simplicity pattern below (from my stash) for it, but am not 100% sure at this point.

I could do the redesign from my Textile Studio Santa Monica tee. Last night I was leaning toward using the Simplicity for it, but this morning the Textile Studio pattern is at the forefront. My current Simplicity pattern has had some major redesigning already on my part, so it might just be easier to go the TS route. The TS has the basic design style already in place. Yes, as I type this, it seems I've just made up my mind! :) The TS Santa Monica Tee it is!

Still waiting to hear back from the leather store in NYC. I sent my fabric and lining swatches so I'm hoping to get some news soon to find out if they have a suitable leather skin for my project. Also looking for some sale-priced wool coating fabric online in some brighter colors. I just can't stand to look at black, grey, and navy at this point. Either red, hot pink, or a nice bold shade of blue would be nice.

Side note--I finally got my hair cut! I have been desparately needing a cut and finally got my wild and long mane under control. I took my current issue of Threads in to my hairdresser and showed her the blonde model with the long layers. That's what I wanted and that's what I got. The Queen of Backhanded Compliments (aka DD#1 LOL) told me she liked my haircut...that it made me look "young". And how was your day???

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