Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happenings on the Home Front

There are lots of little things going on.

First off, I finished the first batch of wall hangings. Amazingly it's still the right season! No pattern used, just embroidered the design on linen, cut some fabric strips, used the same fabric for the backing with batting. Created the loops, insert dowel rod, and voila! It's done. Well, just about. I'm going to buy some twine for them and then they'll be good to go.
Here they are:

I asked my friend Stacey to sell them for me with a cut. She's a lady that is in the wrong profession! She's been a bus driver for the past five years but her natural talent is sales. She can sell you the shirt off your own back--she's that good.

BTW, what would you charge? The wall hangings come in two sizes: approximately 10"X9" and 13"X11". I'm not sure so maybe some of you savvy, crafty cyber sewers who sell your creations can suggest the appropriate prices.

Today I went to see Ursula. She owns the fabric store right up the road (well, right up the road for us is about 4 or 5 miles. We're talking about the state of affairs in the fabric world and she asked if I would be interested teaching sewing classes at her store. Well yes! I would be interested. So I'm going over some plans and projects and will likely be picking Susan's brain for her ideas.

Also, Ursula was kind enough to give me two remnant pieces at no charge to alter my daughter's travel team softball shirt. One was just the right size, the other was too tight. The remnants are a beautiful match.

About the no charge. Please remember to support your local brick& mortar stores. I would have gladly paid for these small remnants, but that's how the local independents work. They are so giving of their time, talent, and treasures. Shopping at their stores helps keep them in business. I'm going back next week for this lovely Slinky print. Hopefully, offering sewing classes at her store will bring in more business in this tough economy. I think she's too busy with life and the managing the business to offer them herself.

More later...


  1. Love your wall hangings! What an inspiration. The embroidery bug is nibbling at my feet.

    Great job with "networking" at your local fabric store. That's exactly how I got my chance to teach. Start talking and the doors will open up opportunities. Congrats! Just PM on PR if you need some help/ideas.

  2. Beautiful Fall wall hangings! I would say at least $15.00 a piece or $20.00. I usually charge $1.00 per 1000 stitches (and we all know how stitch intensive Embroidery Library is!), but then again I always discount for my friends. Congrats on the teaching'll do great!!! Mary

  3. I love those! I read this post yesterday on my Google Reader, and the photo didn't show up. Today, I come here and there they are--just as pretty as I imagined.
