Thursday, August 7, 2008

Finishing touches

My dress is almost finished. I'm putting on the finishing touches like ribbon around the top edge, handstitching the half-lining to the CB zip, serge finishing the bottom of the half lining and dress hem.

Later today I'll get out my serger and get that baby warmed up. We've haven't been as close as we should have lately and that's a shame. Hopefully I know where my needles are and will spend a good chunk of time setting up my threads and changing everything from regular serging to a rolled edge, test serge, etc. A jet-air Babylock it ain't! I dream about one of those...someday!

1 comment:

  1. "We've haven't been as close as we should have lately and that's a shame." I'm bringing my Kenmore serger in for its annual check-up and DH wonders WHY... Haven't used it since last time!! ;(
    Rhonda in Montreal
