Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Weekly Goals 2/20/08

Below are my weekly goals. These are actually a 2-week goal because DH just went back to work today and I've been very busy the past two days. In addition, I have a lot of paperwork and phone calls to make and need to work on LL stuff.

No sewing really, other than whipping up my blue minidress, which is half done, but a b*tch to sew. The suede-like knit fabric doesn't seem to agree with any needle in my stash--universal, stretch, jersey/ballpoint, nor microtex. Lots of skipped stitches. Less with my jersey/ballpoint but still a concern that I have to check and sometimes restitch my seams.

So my goals for the next two weeks are to tissue fit and cut the fabric, lining, and interfacing for four projects. Those projects are:

1. PJ pants for DD#2 using Simplicity 5923, the pattern photo is in my previous post.

2. Top-Simplicity 3624, long version with long sleeves.

3. Wrap dress-Simplicity 4074

4. Coat-Burda 7858, short version with full length sleeves.

The beauty of these goals are that for 2, 3, and 4, I'm using PR Weekend NYC 2007 fabrics! Here's a pic of the patterns and fabric:

The blue/black fabric is a wool from Paron's, the red/black is a knit from Spandex House, and the purple/pink sequined print is from Metro Textiles/Kashi. Ann, (Gorgeous Fabrics) also was selling this fabric although I'm not sure if she has it anymore. I can't wait to actually sit at the machine with these fabrics but first things first. Tissue fitting and alterations, tracing, and cutting will take up those two weeks. But after that, my machine's going to be smokin'!

That's it for now. Lots of things to do on this very busy day. Happy Sewing, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You're going to be busy! My hubby is going out of town, so I'm hoping to get some quality time with my sewing machine.
