Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Say what?

Yeah, I did it. I made a "mini" quilt. Technically it's a wall hanging though. One has to understand--I'm NOT a quilter. I have no interest in quilting whatsoever. But I wanted to make something for a friend to remind her what a terrific person she is. So when I saw a project called something like a "Quick and Easy Mini Quilt" in my Embroidery Essentials book, initially it didn't jump out at me at all. However, just giving Dunkin Donut cards seemed so impersonal, so I wanted to create something for her and kept thinking about this project. It has to be a special person for me to *want* to make something like this.

The picture has been enhanced to better highlight the intensity of the blues and purples, but the leaves look yellow when, in fact, they are a light green. I'm not the best at coordinating colors, but the lady at the fabric store put her "seal of approval" on the color combos for this project. The binding is not a perfect match, but it still works IMO.
Overall, I like how it turned out. There is no thinking required on a project like this, it just takes time. I started it last night and finished this afternoon.
Tomorrow the kids are going to school, DH goes back to work, and I have to get the house a bit more tidy. Kenneth King is offering his Soft Handbag class at Patternreview and I registered for that too. There are just a few things that are needed for it so a trip to the fabric/craft store is necessary tomorrow. Still mulling over embroidery for my dress too. That will give me something to think about while working on my jacket.
Hope everyone is having good luck keeping their New Year's Resolutions on this second day of January :) !

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