Friday, December 21, 2007

No Progress...

...and I hate it! Food shopping and last-minute fabric shopping for gifts this morning, a quick jaunt to the gym, home to eat, pick up DD#2, head down to Walmart for her last present, back to the gym to finish my workout, grocery store again although a different one, back home to bring stuff in/put away, make dinner, out the door to Little League Winter practice for DS#1. Left at 8:30 a.m. and can finally relax at 10 p.m.

No time for working with my dress or jacket. What a bummer. Tomorrow and Sunday are big family cleaning days with a few errands thrown in between. Although I plan on doing something sewing related tomorrow night. And more cookies and pies must be made but DD#1 will make the cookies. I'd like to get to the gym at least one more day, too, because two big eating days are coming up on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Time to hit the sack.

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