Saturday, December 15, 2007


As in Lehigh Valley Fashion Sewing Guild! It has a nice sound to it. And it appears that it will be our sewing group name and maybe a neighborhood group under ASG. There's pros and cons about having our own chapter at this point so we'll see how it goes over the next several months to a year. And what I really like about it is including the word "Fashion" in the title. The purpose of the group is stated in the name.

It was great to see Barba and Shura again as well as meeting Annette. And it's all thanks to Deepika, founder of, which is what brought us together in our area.

So what did we do today? We talked about the focus of our group and our current projects. Annette modeled her lovely top with EOS fabric (SO soft yet substantial by the way--I can easily see what it's dubbed "Linda's favorite"), Barb's top in such a pretty Gorgeous Fabrics knit along with her awesome purses, Shura discussed the progress on her skirt (we can't wait to see it!), and I wore one of the tops from S4076, one of my fave patterns. We shared the patterns with each other and discussed muslins and other sewing/fitting activities.

It doesn't really get much better than that. Starting off the weekend bright and early in a sewing group talking about fashion sewing. I get SO excited about it being the true sewing geek that I am and that is said with an enormous amount of pride. It's that pride that "binds" us together...the common "thread"...and I'm such a nerd with the puns LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy!! It was a pleasure to meet you today, along with the other talented members!!!
    So many ideas to share, so little time!!
    Happy sewing, until we meet again!
